Monday, November 05, 2012

It's New November

It's New November
The jonquils and daffodils are out in our Los Angeles garden, November 5, 2012

It’s new November and the sun is hot

unlike November bonfires in the days of yore.

When young we burned Guy Fawkes, but here the plot

of fertile soil God’s wisdom was conserving for


next spring. Then daffodils are autumn dreams,

peach blossoms shrivelled, grasses parched and barely grown,

and grandchildren search for some rushing stream

to lubricate their voice and flesh upon the bone.


I fear for living beings, fear for us

fiddling so carelessly while Rome about us burns;

no Vatican to lay the law or fuss

that God created man to reap just what he earns


and not a jot more, reaching to the stars,

where maybe once some greedy creatures ploughed their fields

and grabbing more, invented guns and czars

demanding more than what their good earth yearly yields.


I fear we see this hot November how

our greed has called the god of Balance out to cause

our springtime punishment, his barren vow

of summer plenty casting us to famine's hellish jaws.


Yours gloomily,

LRH in Los Angeles, CA

November 5, 2012



From: Gershon Hepner <>

 To: linda hepner <>

Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 10:52 AM

 Subject: we boil at different degrees






We boil at different degrees,


Clint Eastwood famously once said,


but ultimately we all freeze


before we die, and are brain dead.



The difference is due to pressure


in the air we breathe, and most


find air at their own level fresher


than what’s below, where they compost.


Clint Eastwood famously once stated what I quote in the first line.

Gershon Hepner, 11/5/12             #11794